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Entries by Sean McNabb

Funding Opportunity from the FDA Includes Collaboration with NESTcc

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to facilitate the development, production, and distribution of pediatric medical devices through the funding of nonprofit consortia. The FOA includes efforts to leverage real-world evidence for regulatory evaluation of medical devices that will foster collaboration between NESTcc and external stakeholders to […]

NESTcc UPDATE: Call for Concepts Deadline Extended to JANUARY 31, 2018

*Please note that this update extends only to the NESTcc Call for Concepts and is NOT applicable for anyone wishing to submit a response to separate NESTcc opportunities. NESTcc is seeking recommendations from industry for Real-World Evidence test-cases that could be implemented with early data network partners. If you are a medical device manufacturer interested […]

2017 | NESTcc’s Year in Review

As 2017 quickly comes to a close, I would like to take a moment to share the progress of this year for NESTcc. Over the course of the last year, we have built the foundational components for establishing NESTcc. We have hired the NESTcc team and put a governance structure in place, engaged the medical […]

NESTcc hosts webinar to discuss Call for Concepts for Medical Device Manufacturers

If you are a medical device manufacturer interested in responding to NESTcc’s recently-announced Call for Concepts, we invite you to join us for a live webinar on January 4, 2018 from 3:00p.m. – 4:00p.m. EST. We will use this time to present examples of test-cases, discuss the submission process, and answer your questions. Register Today. […]

NESTcc announces three new opportunities for engagement and launches new website.

Today, NESTcc announced three open opportunities for engagement via the newly-launched The first opportunity—open to medical device manufacturers—is a Call for Concepts for Real-World Evidence (RWE) test-cases to better understand the opportunities and barriers associated with building and maintaining a NESTcc data partner network. The test-case concepts are due January 17, 2018. The next […]

National Evaluation System for health Technology Coordinating Center (NESTcc)
1655 N Ft. Myer Dr, 12th Floor, Arlington, VA 22209

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