Establishing a Process for Designating NESTcc Demonstration Projects

One of NEST Coordinating Center’s (NESTcc) strategic priorities in 2017 is to select Demonstration Projects that further the use of real-world evidence (RWE) within the medical device ecosystem. These projects will range in size and scope, but they are intended to:

  • Develop, verify and operationalize methods of evidence generation and data use in the pre- and post-market space
  • Demonstrate scalability across healthcare systems, device types, and manufacturers
  • Demonstrate impact on patients by stimulating innovation in medical device innovation and decreasing the timeline for development and market launch
  • Inform NEST’s strategy as it builds out critical functions and processes for a future sustainable organization.

Since the call was first issued in July 2017, we received a robust set of applications from a diverse group of stakeholders and have begun to review the first set of projects. In the coming weeks, NESTcc will approve an initial set of projects as NESTcc Demonstration Projects. NESTcc will continue to accept additional applications through Fall 2017 and applications that were not selected in the first-round may be considered in future review cycles. If you or a colleague are interested in submitting an application, please read more here. The next round of Demonstration Project applications are due on September 13, 2017.

To maintain NESTcc’s commitment to transparency, we’re providing information regarding our evaluation and selection process below. As part of these formal processes, reviewers and the Selection Team members disclosed potential conflicts of interest (that is, any interests that they, or their employer, relative or other party have which could cause a reviewer or Selection Team member to act other than in the best interests of MDIC, including NESTcc, and the public), and recused themselves in instances of such conflicts of interest.

NESTcc Demonstration Project Evaluation and Selection Process


If you have any questions about NESTcc Demonstration Projects please review answers to our frequently asked questions or email

Rachael Fleurence
Executive Director

National Evaluation System for health Technology Coordinating Center (NESTcc)
1655 N Ft. Myer Dr, 12th Floor, Arlington, VA 22209

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